RAW Rolling Paper Packaging Changes Following Lawsuit

RAW, the popular rolling paper brand, has faced a significant setback due to a recent lawsuit in the United States. As a result, the company has been forced to change its packaging and marketing claims for not only the RAW brand but also other associated brands such as Juicy Jay and Elements. This article will discuss the implications of this legal development and its potential impact on the rolling paper industry.

Overview of the Lawsuit

The lawsuit was initiated by Republic Brands, a leading distributor of rolling papers and premium smoking accessories. Republic Brands accused HBI International, the maker of RAW rolling papers, of engaging in unfair business practices and violating the Illinois Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act. Specifically, the lawsuit targeted false claims made by HBI International regarding the origins of its products.

Impact on RAW, Juicy Jay, and Elements Packaging

Following the lawsuit, HBI International has been ordered to cease promoting, selling, or distributing products that contain the prohibited statements. This applies not only to the RAW brand but also to other associated brands such as Juicy Jay and Elements. As of May 31, 2023, HBI must stop promoting, selling, or distributing products under any of its other brands in packaging that includes an Alcoy stamp.

Changes to RAW Packaging and Marketing Claims

As a result of the court ruling, HBI International is no longer allowed to make the following claims about its RAW rolling papers:

  • That the rolling papers are "unrefined"
  • That the adhesives used in the rolling papers are made from natural hemp gum
  • That the rolling papers are the world's first or only organic (or organic hemp) rolling papers
  • That the rolling papers are made from the center of hemp stalks
  • That HBI or its founder, Joshua Kesselman, invented rolling paper pre-rolled cones
  • That OCB Organic Hemp papers are knock-offs, "RAWnabees," copies, or fake versions of RAW rolling papers

Changes to Juicy Jay and Elements Packaging

Similarly, HBI International must also change the packaging and marketing claims for its Juicy Jay and Elements brands, following the same guidelines as those imposed on the RAW brand.

Implications for the Rolling Paper Industry

The legal development has significant implications for the rolling paper industry as it highlights the importance of transparency and accuracy in marketing claims. Companies in this industry must ensure that their promotional materials are truthful and accurate to avoid facing similar legal consequences.

Importance of Consumer Awareness

Consumers must also be aware of the changes in packaging and marketing claims for RAW, Juicy Jay, and Elements products. It is essential to note that the new packaging does not indicate a fake product; it merely reflects the company's compliance with the court ruling.


RAW, Juicy Jay, and Elements have had to change their packaging and marketing claims to comply with the court ruling. Consumers should stay informed about these changes and understand that the new packaging does not signify a fake product.