10 Creative Techniques for Grinding Cannabis Without a Grinder

Are you in need of a way to grind your cannabis but don't have a grinder on hand? Don't worry, we've got you covered with these 10 creative techniques for grinding cannabis without a grinder. Whether you're at home, on the go, or at a party, there's a method here that will work for you. Let's dive in! 

1. Coffee Grinder

One common kitchen appliance that can double as a weed grinder is a coffee grinder. If you have one at home, it can be a convenient and effective tool for grinding your cannabis. However, before using your coffee grinder for this purpose, make sure to clean it thoroughly to remove any leftover coffee grounds or residue. You wouldn't want your coffee to have a hint of cannabis flavor in the morning!

To use a coffee grinder for grinding cannabis, pack the weed loosely and avoid overwhelming the grinder. Adjust the grind time and settings if applicable to ensure that your weed doesn't turn into a fine powder. Remember to clean the grinder well before and after grinding your weed to maintain its functionality and prevent any cross-contamination.

2. Cheese Grater

If you don't have a coffee grinder, don't worry! Another kitchen tool that can be used to grind cannabis is a cheese grater. While this method may require a bit more effort, it can be just as effective. Make sure your grater is clean, place a plate or container below it to catch the grated cannabis, and start grating. Be cautious of your fingers while grating and check for any leftover bud clinging to the grater's teeth after you're finished.

3. Mortar and Pestle

For those who prefer a more traditional approach, a mortar and pestle can be used to grind cannabis. If you have one at home, you'll want to let your weed sit out for a few hours to dry it a bit and make it easier to grind. Ensure that your mortar and pestle are clean and start applying some elbow grease. Be careful not to grind too hard, as you don't want to turn your cannabis into a fine powder.

4. Cutting Board and Knife

If you don't have any of the above kitchen appliances, a cutting board and a sharp knife can be a viable alternative for grinding cannabis. While this method may require more manual labor, it can be just as effective. Place your cannabis on the cutting board and use a sharp knife to julienne it into smaller pieces. Take your time and be mindful of your fingers while chopping.

5. Shot Glass and Scissors

At a party and don't have access to kitchen tools? No problem! If you can find a shot glass and a pair of scissors, you're good to go. Place your cannabis into a clean shot glass and start cutting it up using the scissors. If shot glasses are unavailable, you can also cut up your bud over a plate. Just make sure to clean the shot glass or plate beforehand to avoid any cross-contamination.

6. Prescription Bottle and Coins

If you're on the go and don't have access to kitchen or household items, this method might be perfect for you. All you need is a prescription bottle and some coins. Before starting, make sure to sanitize the coins to remove any germs. Place a few buds into the prescription bottle, leaving some space, and add the coins. Close the bottle tightly and start shaking. Check your progress every 20 seconds to see if the cannabis is ground to your desired consistency.

7. Pick it Apart

When all else fails, you always have your fingers to rely on. Picking your cannabis apart by hand may take more time and effort, but it's a tried and true method that will never let you down. Take your time, separate the buds into smaller pieces, and remove any stems or seeds. While this method may not produce the same consistency as a grinder, it gets the job done in a pinch.

8. Avoid the Hassle, Get a Grinder!

While these creative techniques can be effective in grinding cannabis without a grinder, it's worth considering investing in a grinder for a hassle-free experience. Grinders are specifically designed to produce a consistent grind and save you time and effort. They come in various sizes and materials, allowing you to choose the one that suits your needs best. Plus, many grinders have additional features like kief catchers, making them a valuable tool for cannabis enthusiasts. There are so many types: Metal Grinders, Plastic Grinders, Hemp Grinders and even Novelty Grinders.

9. Additional Information

  • It's important to note that the quality of your cannabis grind can affect your smoking or vaping experience. A finer grind is often preferred for vaporizers, as it allows for better heat distribution and extraction of cannabinoids. On the other hand, a coarser grind may be suitable for joints or blunts, as it provides a slower burn and allows for better airflow.

  • If none of these techniques appeal to you or if you're looking for a more convenient option, consider purchasing pre-ground cannabis. Many dispensaries offer pre-ground cannabis that is ready to use, saving you time and effort. However, keep in mind that pre-ground cannabis may have a shorter shelf life and may not retain its freshness as long as whole buds.


Grinding cannabis without a grinder may seem challenging at first, but with these 10 creative techniques, you can easily get the job done. Whether you have access to kitchen appliances, household items, or just your fingers, there's a method that will suit your needs. However, it's always worth considering investing in a grinder for a consistent and hassle-free grinding experience. Happy grinding!