We have all "greened out" at some point, thinking we are never recovering from that high that made us feel, and see too much. Zoning out or simply taking the high way is all cool and fun until you remember that you have a big presentation to prepare or have some serious aunts coming over or any other commitment that needs you to stay focused, and well, not stoned. 

Whether you took that funky looking edible or had an awesome session with your homies, holding that smoke for too long, or just never realized when you consumed your entire stash, the 'too much' high sends you in a paranoid tailspin. Contradictory to the fact that marijuana brings down the level, too much marijuana also sends an overload blaring alarm in your system that makes everything a difficult task. And let's be real, nobody wants to feel unpleasant after smoking weed. 

Weed Warrior, Gather around, we are reversing your overdosage with our stoner hacks for when things get too green. 

How Long Does a High Last?

The usual side-effects of smoking weed make your eyes feel like the barren drought land and your mouth feeling like cotton, but that's about it. However, when you overboard the recommended dosage or beyond what your metabolism can take, the effects are far and wider than dry eyes and mouth. 

side-effects of smoking weed

How to sober from weed is crucial, but it is also important to address the duration of the 'greening out' phase. For most highs, the duration is between half an hour to 2 hours. It could be more than 2 hours, leading to 6-10 hours, depending on what bad boy you rolled. 

However, when seeing it clearly, there is no fixed 'timeline' for a high as it is dependent on many factors including:

  • The Cannabis Strain that you just consumed and its potency. For instance, using a strain that has about 10-12% of THC won't get you high for as long as the strain with 24% THC content. 
  • Your mode of ingestion - Dabbing, Smoking, Vaping, or Edibles. Consuming concentrates are known to be more potent than simply rolling a joint. On the other hand, Edibles have a later onset of effects but claims to be more potent than other types of ingestion. 
  • Whether you have consumed pot on an empty stomach or not.
  • Your level of pro-ness when it comes to smoking weed - the high would be less potent if you're a regular toker cause' your body knows how to handle it. But a novice smoker will have a hard time adjusting to even the tiniest dosage. 
  • Metabolism - plays an important role in determining how your body takes on the addition of the intoxicating compound. 
  • Whether you have consumed any other substance like alcohol that may enhance the effect and high. 

Let's take a look at our tips and tricks on how to sober from weed and counteract this wonky experience. 

How to Sober Up from Weed?

1. Water & Food 

Going back to the basics of human necessity, sobering up from weed involves putting fluids and solids in your stomach. 

Water is a necessity, of course, but often while smoking up and laughing with your homies, you forget to take a chug, which leads to the cotton-mouth feeling. Make sure you keep a bottle of water around, and if you're not keen on having simple water, any other beverage works fine too. Just make sure it is not caffeinated or alcoholic. Alcohol drinks (yes, even beers) can lead to an increased THC concentration in the body.

Glass of water

The other step, after hydrating yourself, is to have some snacks to help you sober up. The nifty act of munching and swallowing can keep you grounded and in touch with reality, so if you're feeling head spacey or experiencing the spin on thoughts, it's time to turn to the snack counter. Make sure you're not having much sweet snack, as sugar is THC's favourite person and it snuggles on to it like a person in love. However, you can opt for the salty side, and some of the other food that helps to expel the inside material. 

I came across a forum in 2019 that suggested having psyllium husk and beans as it can help to cleanse the system. 

2. Black Pepper to the Rescue

If the 'bad high' gets you on the paranoia and anxious boat, you can head to the spice shelf in your kitchen for a simple remedy. Cannabis-induced paranoia is a real thing, and Black Peppercorns are extremely helpful for the same. 

The Black Peppercorn trick involves chewing a few whole peppercorns, grinding and sprinkling them on food, or simply smelling some very carefully (it can cause you to go on a sneezing spree). 

Black Pepper

Pepper is an ancient antidote and the science behind it is the presence of alpha-pinene and beta-caryophyllene. According to Dr Ethan Russo, a neurologist and psychopharmacology researcher, peppercorn also helps to moderate the effects of THC. 

3. CBD - The other Cannabinoid

Might seem a little counter-intuitive, but it is always a good idea to battle the blaze with CBD - the other prominent cannabinoid found in our green buds. 

CBD (Cannabidiol)

CBD (Cannabidiol) is a non-intoxicating compound found in the cannabis plant and has been appreciated for the power it provides to everyone in need. However, it does not just give you the benefits, but also helps to counteract the feeling of being too high but dampening the effect of THC. It works similar to the above method, and binds to the same receptors as the THC, blocking some of the effects of the 'high' compound. 

As with everything else in the canna-world, there is not much solid research backing our claim, but we have 100s of stoners that agree that mixing the two cannabis compounds really does work. Next time, keep a CBD oil in hand and around to help you calm the anxiety. 

4. Lemon Squeeze

If you have slightly in-depth knowledge about plants, you would be acquainted with the world of terpenes that allot the distinct aroma, flavour, and effects to the green living beings. 

Lemon contains the citrusy terpene limonene, which is commonly found in many citrus fruits and even in certain strains of cannabis.

Lemon Squeeze

If you can spot a lemon in your kitchen, squeeze it out and smell the aroma. I mean, when life is giving you lemons, you sometimes just smell it rather than making lemonade (you can make that too!). The ultimate stoner hack which was shared by a friend a few days back was to mix a bit of pepper with lemon and take a gulp. Really puts the sobering up process on the fast track. 


5. A Shower Solution

The THC is acting up, your anxiety is peaking, you are losing the sense of reality, and everything is going haywire; what's the solution? A simple cold shower to drive everything out. 

Weed-Hacks Shower

It might not be a very feasible option if you're smoking outside or at a homie's place, but if you're in your house or at any place where you can hop in the shower for a few minutes, it really helps to bring down the ill effects of THC. 

It works on the principle of "mammalian diving reflex,” wherein the cold water alerts your senses, brings down the heartbeat, drops the body temperature, conserves energy and preserves excess oxygen. If you don't have the option to take a shower, try to splash cold water on your face to awaken the senses. 

| Also Read: How to Hide the Smell of Weed after Smoking? |

6. Distract Yourself

The mother of all evil, distractions, are also helpful in the rare event of having a bad high. If you're able to spot the symptoms of paranoia, it is time to engage the mind elsewhere. 

Opt for activities that excite you and keep you engaged or something that would keep you entertained or challenge you until the high comes off. For me, a good old episode of Friends works the best, whereas my closest friend plays video games to keep himself occupied. For the creative lot, you can opt to paint, write, or simply colour until you calm down. The love birds can opt for snuggles, whereas the extrovert can always opt to call a friend and let them know you're hanging from the edge of Mary Jane Mountain. 

7. Enter the Comfort Zone

Comfortablly Stoned

The meditative approach to a bad high is to simply enter the comfort zone and find shelter until things inside the brain calm down. Take out your cosiest pyjamas, the softest blanket, and the most comfortable spot and lie down. 

When your brain is running a marathon and an is racing to the front, it is always a good idea to indulge in a comfortable resting position until the storm passes away. If you find yourself getting drowsy and sleepy, don't fight it. Concentrate on your breathing, the rise and fall of the chest, and take a small nap to rejuvenate yourself. 

8. Exercise


When all fails, you can always opt to secrete some endorphins to get through the ill effects of THC. When you indulge in any physical activity, your body produces endorphins. 

Endorphins are neurotransmitters whose main objective is to block pain signals. Not to mention, it will also be distracting for the mind. 

| Also Read: How Long Does Cannabis Stay in Your System? |

What Should You Avoid When High?

Now that you know how to sober up from weed, you should also be careful about what not to do when you're still circling in the haze of the green buds. 

  • Don't drive if you're stoned or having an anxious episode; this never ends. You can always call for an Uber/Lyft or simply have a spontaneous sleepover at your homies. 
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages as it is never a good idea to mix two types of intoxication. 
  • If you're too stoned to care for things, make sure you stay away from the kitchen areas, have all the doors and windows bolted. We don't like any accidents. 
  • Do NOT in any circumstance, try to handle complicated machinery. 
  • Finally, the most OG rule - Don't text your EX!

It is important to monitor the intake and find the right dosage if you want to avoid any episode where your mind and heart is running. To be honest, it is a little annoying if you have just consumed the precious stash and instead of enjoying it, you're looking for ways to bring down the high. It becomes very crucial to know the limits and balance the highs & lows to enjoy the green buddies, sticky concentrates, and delectable edibles. Make sure you're getting high with friends or known people, in a comfortable situation, and go slow to gauge the effects. 

This brings us to the end of our article on how to sober up from weed. Hope this was informative and interesting. For more such articles, watch this space. 

Till then, keep toking with Olivastu!