Cannabidiol or CBD, has quickly grown in popularity and is known for its healing and restorative properties. Most people who use marijuana for its medical purpose swear by this particular compound. It has no addictive elements, and unlike THC, it does not contain any intoxicating effects. To comply with the UK laws and regulations, the CBD is extracted from the hemp plant, the known cousins of the cannabis plant. 

If you're wondering how CBD oil is made, and how the compound is extracted from the hemp plant, we have curated a guide to shed light to help you understand it better. As cannabinoids are rising in popularity, it is being extracted and manufactured in greater quantities. From CBD oils to creams, bath bombs, and even CBD condoms, the application is as wide as you can imagine it to be. If you want to know how to extract cbd from hemp, keep reading!

How is CBD extracted from the Hemp Plant?

There are many ways in which CBD is extracted from the Hemp as well as the Marijuana Plant. The extraction is an advanced process that involves complex mechanisms and high tech equipment. Hemp-derived CBD is preferred as the end-product contains less than 0.3% of THC, thereby negating the intoxicating effect associated with Cannabis. It also keeps it well within the UK laws and regulations. 

Let's take a look at how to extract CBD from hemp plants, the different extraction processes, and understand the world of this beneficial compound a bit better. 

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How to Extract CBD from Hemp - The Different Methods

CO2 Extraction

The most common method of extracting CBD from Hemp is the CO2 extraction method. It makes use of a multi-chamber machine where the plant material interacts with the CO2. The plant material is initially compressed at a low temperature before the Co2 passes through it. Some people use the gas version while others prefer to make it a 'liquid' version. 

As the carbon dioxide interacts with the hemp plant, the pressure in the cabin turns it into liquid. This allows the hemp's oil and flavours to be absorbed. The resultant; a mixture of carbon dioxide and CBD, is sent into a final chamber where the carbon dioxide is turned into a gas again. This leads to a pure oil that is free from any other kind of by-products. 

Keep in mind that the Co2 process is not always alcohol-free, and the material might need further refinement with an alcohol solvent to achieve CBD isolate or distillate. Co2 extraction is also an expensive process, and therefore, the oil produced through is slightly priced higher than others. One can also achieve the final result of almost 0% THC, but it might take much longer and be even more expensive. 

Co2 extraction methods produce the purest oil & contain the highest percentage of cannabinoids.

Alcohol Extraction Method

Alcohol Extraction Method is known as one of the simplest methods; by using liquid solvents such as ethanol, butane, or isopropyl alcohol. The alcohol helps maintain the true chemical properties of the hemp while extracting other compounds. 

The extraction method has to be carried on with care to ensure there is no fear of explosion or accidents afterwards. It is essential to ensure that the alcohol content has been purged out from the end material. 

The alcohol Extraction Method is considerably easier and cheaper than the Co2 method. However, it involved precautions and might induce a slightly lower quality taste when compared to those extracted by the Co2 method. 

It follows the process of soaking the plant in ethanol. Once the solution settles and works on the plant matter, it isolates the needed compound. The liquid is then strained and heated to induce evaporation. Once successfully done, it is mixed with a carrier oil. 

The process is less complicated than others but involves the concern of being flammable. Therefore, it is advised to stay clear of this method when you're trying it at home. There 

There are a few drawbacks to using alcohol-based extraction. Firstly, the solvent residue doesn't necessarily evade during the extraction process. On the other hand, there is a tendency for the chlorophyll to find its way to the resulting oil and give it an unpleasant taste. 

Oil Extraction Method

If you want to know the easiest way of how to extract cbd from hemp, try the oil extraction method. It is the most acclaimed DIY method; one that does not turn into a flammable incident. The process is quite simple too!

The raw hemp plant needs to go through the process of grinding and decarboxylation before the extraction is carried on. The decarboxylation is carried on to activate the compounds present in the plant. It involves using just enough heat to slowly wake up the cannabinoids present in our green herb.

The process starts by immersing the plant in the oil. Make sure you are either using coconut or olive oil, as we need a good amount of fat content. The oil and the plant are slowly heated for several hours, to ensure the cannabinoids bind to the fats in the oil. Once the infusion process is complete, the oil is set to be cooled and then filtered to remove any residue and plant matter. 

The advantage of using oil-based extraction is that it does involve heavy equipment or the warning of any accidents. The simple process makes it easy for anyone looking to extract CBD from hemp at home. However, there are also a few drawbacks. 

The final product needs to be stored carefully to ensure that the oil lasts for a while. Moreover, the oil extraction does not result in a very pure product, leading  to a less potent CBD oil. If there are any contaminants in the original hemp, they will follow into the CBD oil. 

Steam Distillation Extraction Method

As the name suggests, steam plays a role in extracting the CBD from the Hemp Plant. Steam Distillation was popularly used for distilling alcohol. However, it has found its usage in the world of CBD as well. 

The process involves the usage of steam to remove the volatile compounds from the raw plant material. The vapour containing the compound is collected separately. It is then cooled and condensed that forms a mixture of oil and water. Ultimately, the resulting oil is separated from the water. 

Steam Distillation is a simple, inexpensive process to extract CBD from hemp plants. However, there are a few disadvantages to consider. It is considered to be an inefficient process as one needs a large amount of plant material to get the desired result. Furthermore, there is no regulation as there is no guarantee to produce consistent results. 

The biggest concern with the steam distillation method of CBD extraction is that the heat may lead to a loss of essential cannabinoids and compounds that are used for the overall effect.

Cold Pressure Extraction Method

The cold press method is a pretty interesting way to extract the CBD from Hemp. Apart from being natural and eco-friendly, it also carried more compounds and cannabinoids, leading to a better overall effect. 

The process of extracting CBD from hemp using the cold pressure method involves crushing the hemp plant after cooling it. It allows the hemp plant to retain all the necessary flavonoids, terpenes, cannabinoids, and more. However, the only drawback here is a lower quantity of end product. 

Ultrasonic Cannabinoid Extraction

The Ultrasonic Cannabinoid Extraction System is fairly new and still gaining popularity. It uses ultrasound waves to generate millions of minuscule bubbles that enter the plant's cellular wall. The mixture is then filtered to separate the oil from the other material, including the solvent. 

It is a cost-effective process, much lower than the Co2 method. It also offers a shorter production time. The result is toxic-free, pure, and of high quality. 

This brings us to the end of our guide on how to extract CBD from Hemp. We hope this was informative and helpful in understanding the process of CBD extraction. Keep following this space for more such interesting articles!

Till then, find a range of CBD oils and products at Olivastu!

 Happy Shopping.